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This is how many sex toys women REALLY own – it will shock you

THOUGHT your lady just owned a vibrator? Think again.

SURPRISING: This survey reveals how many sex toys women really own

When it comes to sex toys, the more the merrier. Well, at least that’s what a new survey has revealed.

The survey asked 3,751 people about their preferences when it comes to sex.

One of the questions was: How many sex toys do you own?

The top answer for both men and women was three (12.22% and 12.49%) respectively.

However, coming in at a close second, 12.21% of women said they owned 11-15 sex toys. This was followed by a more modest four (10.83%).

Over 80% of both men and women said their sex toys had improved their sex lives and both said a vibrator made them the happiest.

However, while vibrators were the top for both sexes, women overwhelming favoured the phallic-shaped toy with 75.35% saying this made them the happiest with 29.75% of men saying this made them happy.

For men, cock rings were the second favoured at 23.53% – this could be because cock rings have been proven to prevent premature ejaculation.

Buttplugs came in at number three for the men (10.25%) and for the women, a dildo and cock ring followed the vibrator with 9.03% and 3.26% respectively.

Most people added they bought their sex toys for themselves, but a quarter said it was a gift from their partner.

While the survey doesn’t expand on exactly what sex toys these people have, with 11-15 you’ve probably covered most bases.

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